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[[start page]] [[three columns - first column]] 733 616 217 875 189 532 [[line indicating addition]] 3162 [[/first column]] [[second column]] 2537 2141 1047 3064 1395 2789 [[line indicating addition]] 12973 3162 [[line indicating subtraction]] 9811 [[/second column]] [[third column]] 1134 2077 2014 779 1436 1738 [[line indicating addition]] 9178 [[/third column]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[left margin]] (13) [[/left margin]] number and kind of seals turned away at the killing grounds. I copied the figures (see [[autea?]]) of which the following is a summary. From July 29 to August 12 (n.s.) there has been 6 drives, in which 3162 animals have been killed. But there were culled on the killing grounds out of a total of 12973, or nearly 13000 animals driven; or to put it otherwise, 9811 were rejected out of this [[strikethrough]] abov [[/strikethrough]] total. But the most significant fact is that of these rejected ones no less than 9178 were females! Just think of it: in order [[blue pencil]] 504 [[/blue pencil]]