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[[First row - four columns]] [[first column]] 424 990 1380 2021 1932 650 140 733 [[long division symbol]] 7847 [[vertical line]] 10.7 733 [[line]] 5120 [[/first column]] [[second column]] 326 486 1400 1650 1680 1170 616 [[long division symbol]] 6712 [[vertical line]] 10.9 616 [[line]] 5520 [[/second column]] [[third column]] 63 280 360 270 341 600 260 70 217 [[long division symbol]] 2244 [[vertical line]] 10.3 217 [[line]] 740 [[/third column]] [[fourth column]] 448 963 1940 2651 7368 1339 840 875 [[long division symbol]] 70449 [[verical line]] 10.9 875 [[line]] x 799 [[/fourth column]] [[/first row]] [[second row - three columns]] [[first column]] 80 270 600 528 132 260 140 189 [[long division symbol]] 2010 [[vertical line]] 10.6 189 [[line]] 120 [[/first column]] [[second column]] 175 800 900 800 990 432 520 854 532 [[long division symbol]] 5471 [[vertical line]] 10.3 532 [[line]] 151 [[/second column]] [[third column]] 10.7 10.9 10.3 10.9 10.6 10.3 [[line]] 37 [[line]] 10.6 [[/third column]] [[/second row]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[left margin]] (13) [[/left margin]] continued absence of yearlings. Only 93 yearlings [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but 9000 females! This is still more remarkable when we consider the great weight of the skins taken. In four of the drives there was not a skin under 8 lbs., while the average is over 10 1/2 lbs. This curious disproportion becomes extremely interesting when [[strikethrough]] being [[/strikethrough]] compared with the opposite conditions on Copper Island. There the low weight of the skins, the people killing seals down to 4 1/2 lbs! And yet there is no plenty of yearlings there either! And the same "scraping and [[blue pencil]] 507 [[/blue pencil]]