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was found to be the "Maria" of Maitland, N.W. S Balcam Capt. Only one boat, the Capt, mate and 2 men are on board, the remaining 21 of the crow with 5 boats and one canoe were out hunting. Fog coming in nothing could be seen of them and the "Kotik" went search of them - heading for SE Cape. One boat was picked up 4 miles from the Cape, and 2 - 3 miles from the cape, two more boats. They all had seals in the boats, 17 in all three.
Position of "Maria" when seized Lat N [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 54 [[degree symbol]] 36, Long E 168 [[degree symbol]] 24'.
The schooner picked up the other boats during the night. She was sent to Petropaulski in charge of a prize crew, arriving Aug 28.
All the skins (except 1000 removed by the governement) were sold by auction at Peterpaulski; the vessels in Vladivostock
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