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s. columbians 11 a.m.
half filare seeds & half polygonal leaves
S. columbians, 2 in half seeds [[image-triangle]] alfilars & half grene leaves

S. columbians five
allive flowers, greene leaves
a few catipillars
S. columbianus--
halis 78*88, 80*95

Cleustis deriglusai
2 Lupines, big, blue
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underline]] June 9, Hippues Junction [[/underline]]
Zevaidura obv √
Merula corn √
Icterus bullocla, nest √
Isteria v. lorgieanda, adr.√
Contopus triobordsorii corn. √
Melospizwontana, 8 √
Otoceris obv √
Caous arm. corn. √
Scolieafohagus Cyaca -- √
Zorotrichia  /  √
Petrochilidous can. √
Night hawk, 2 eggs  √
Geothlypis trachis  /  √
Devdroica acateira, √
Lanius ex--  /  √
Siprotyte, √
[[?]] verticalis √
Chilida erythroyatis √
pira hudsoerica √
Curleas -- √
Sturuella  √
Stellgadoptreyx √
Cugiatilis uociferaus √
Habia melanocephalx 13  √
Cerybaleyon √
Chondistes √
Night heron √