Viewing page 18 of 65

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]] Belmont 4  7300

[[underline]] Camp [[/underline]] (5 mi.)  7000
Monitor Valley

[[underline]] June 5 [[/underline]]  Camp. 8 7000

Ernst Ranch   6800

[[underline]] Camp [[/underline]]  6900

[[underline]] June 7 [[/underline]] Camp 8  6900
Diana's Punch Bowl  6800
[[strikethrough]] 6750 [[/strikethrough]]
Empire Ranch     6750
Cyprinedon Creek  "  [[ditto for: 6750]]

[[underline]] Camp [[/underline]]  21 mi.  6550

[[underline]] June 8 [[/underline]] Camp 8  6650
edge of valley        6900
[[underline]] Camp [[/underline]] in canyon 2 PM  7200
   came 22 mi.
Colaptes cafer   nest
Taccinita thalassina
Night Hawk   2 
Vireo olivaceus 1 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Aphlecoma   2 broods
Trochilus platychrous   com.
Spizella breweri   com
Pipilo chlorurus   abn.
Passerella schistacea  a few
Parus gambeli
Bubo v. pallescens  2
Geothlypis macgillivrayi   com.
Dendroica auduboni  com
Dendrogapus  old & 3 young

[[underline]] June 9 [[/underline]] Same camp
Accipiter velox 1
Bubo  1 yg. shot
Sialia arctica
Dendroica nigrescens 2
Cyanocephalus   abn.

Pyranga ludoviciana  1
Buteo calurus 1
Phaleonoptila  1 heard
Spizella arizonai  com.

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling. --@ siobhanleachman Dryobates Aphlecoma = Aphelocoma Dendroica negrescens = Dendroica nigrescens Pyranga ludoviciana = Piranga ludoviciana Phaleonoptila = Phalaenoptilus