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[[underlined]] March 27, 1899 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Left Washington [[/underlined]] 3:45, B&O

[[underlined]] Washington Junction [[/underlined]], 5. P.M.
First ridge across Potomac, big cliffs, Sycamore flats, much woods & rough country, good Neotoma & Spilogale [[insertion]] ^ & Euotomys [[/insertion]] ground close to the little town.
Extensive cliffs a few miles up River on S. side.

[[underlined]] Harpers Ferry [[/underlined]] 5:25 P.M.
A larger cross ridge with big rock cliffs along the river
Pinus - ? on rocks.
Woods & rough country. Good collecting ground much rapids in River.

[[underlined]] Broad Peniplane [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Han[[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]]cock [[/underlined]] 6:30 
Plain with some hills & ridges
[[underlined]] Cumberland [[/underlined]] 8:5 P.M.