Viewing page 17 of 43

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[[heading]] Aug. 27 [[/heading]]
[Line underneath date]

Board                              2.00
Ax, rope, straps                   2.15
28 grub                            3.00
grain                              1.10
Butter                              .25
Man     20.50-5=                  15.50

[[underline]] Sep. 4 [[/underline]]
clothes                            4.00
Items                               .40
5 board                            2.50
Horses                              .75
Stage                              2.50
10 stage fares  & board           15.25
Telegram                            .40
13 Board                           5.25
""[[Dittos for: 13. Board]] of man 1.00
" [[Ditto for: 13.]] grub          1.55                         
14. Hay                            1.25
15. "[[Ditto for: Hay]]            1.00
16. "[[Ditto for: Hay]]            2.00
18. "[[Ditto for: Hay]]             .25
[[line underneath list]]

Oct. 10 [[strikethrough]] $50.00 still due, [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] H.M. Sep. 11, [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] 45.50 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Oct. 3  25.00 [[strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] 30.50 [[/strikethrough]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[underline]] Sep. 21 [[/underline]]
Hay                         2.75
Meals                       1.00
[[underline]] Sep. 23 [[/underline]]
Board man                   2.00
Hay                         1.90
Pasture                     2.50
grub                        2.50
22 wagon                    1.00
Board                       1.25
Hay                          .50
27 grub                     4.00
24 Hay                       .50
Baskets                    50.00
25 Hay                      1.00
grub                         .60
grain                        .45
Clothes 1.15   Items .90    2.25
Express                     1.00
Board-Cole                  1.50
Paper                        .35
Horses hay                  4.50
Board-self                  4.00
Items, personal              .50