Viewing page 26 of 43

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Open hills & fields
back from R.
[[underlined]] 12 mi. from Dyerville [[/underlined]]
edge of redwood forest
redwoods in gulches
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana abn
" [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] tomentosa  a little

[[underlined]] Fruitland [[/underlined]]  1250
Ceanothus velutinus big 1500
Quercus [[strikethrough]] [[v. englazeni?]][[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] 1 top of ridge  1707
Ceanothus "white thorn"
and of redwoods

[[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]]  4 mi. from [[Shrethal?]] 2200

[[underlined]] [[Gosma?]] [[/underlined]] 10 mi to Harris  2700

[[underlined]] Harris [[/underlined]]  2400

from Dyerville 33 mi.
[[line indication addition]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sep. 20  Dyerville [[/underlined]]
Mergus americanus
Pipilo fuscus
Scolecophagus 8

[[underlined]] Fruitland [[/underlined]]
Melanerpes torquatus  2

Transcription Notes:
names checked, some largely illegible but made a guess anyways Checked species names and managed to solve some of the [[?]] -@siobhanleachman