Viewing page 30 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Sep. 25 [[/underlined]] Camp. 8, 3800
Dipodomys com to [[strikethrough]] 5500 [[/strikethrough]] 6700
Lepus calif " " [[Ditto for: com to 6700]]
Thomomys  6700
Spermophilus  " [[Ditto for: 6700]]
Cornus [[latrens?]]  7000
Sciurus [[passr.?]] one at spr.  3600
Microtus calif - at spr.  5800

[[underlined]] Anthony Peak [[/underlined]]
about 7500 feet.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Sep. 20
[[underlined]] Little Creek cabin [[/underlined]]  3500
Prunus demissa  3500 - 7000
Cornus pubescens " [[Ditto for: 3500]]
Rubus leucoderma " [[Ditto for: 3500]]
Quercus chrysolipus " [[Ditto for: 3500]]
Libocedrus a few " [[Ditto for: 3500]]
Prunus cordatus " [[Ditto for: 3500]] - 3600
[[underlined]] Lake Creek [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Jump off Creek [[/underlined]]  3600
end of Ceanothus cuneatus
Quercus lobata
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] douglassi

Scrub Q. garriana  5500 -
Prunus emarginata  5800 -
[[underlined]] Lunch at [[/underlined]] Spr  5800
[[underlined]] First Summit [[/underlined]]   6100
Ceanothus divericatus  6100
Abies shastensis  6300 - 
Pinus lambertiana " [[Ditto for: 6300 -]]
Arctostaphylos patula  6500

[[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7000
Arctos- nevadensis N. E. " [[Ditto for: 6400]]
Abies grandis  6400
Pinus lambertiana " [[Ditto for: 6400]]
[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] Govt Flats, 10 mi. 6200

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman