Viewing page 36 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] [[overwritten]] Sep. [[/overwritten]] Oct. 4. Sisson [[/underlined]]

Lace making
[[underlined]] Oct. 9. San Francisco [[/underlined]] 

Oct. 11, [[underlined]] Sisson [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sisson [[/underlined]] Oct. 12
Scolecophagus, big flocks
Melospiza, abn. in marsh
Marsh Wren " " [[Dittos for: abn in marsh]]
Geothlypis tracke's 1 [[male symbol]] " [[Ditto for: marsh]]
Brant - big flocks
Rail in trap & 1 other
Rallus virginianus in trap & one other
Ardea herodias
Circus  com.
Anas boscas ? 1.

Microtus rolox
Mus musculus

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Transcription Notes:
Microtus rolox = Microtus roblox