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[[start page]]
[[three blank lines]]
Operation of the improved phonograph --
[[fifteen blank lines]]
The way in which the spiral groove is formed --
[[three blank lines]]
Method of reproducing the sounds from the record
[[seven blank lines]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[centered]] Tuesday Mar. 29-1881 [[/centered]]
and is attached ^[[at axle end]] by means of the axel [[underlined]] N [[/underlined]] to the center of the diaphragm L -- by which it is vibrated when the diaphragm is actuated by the voice --
    The operation of the instrument is as follows:- The slide B. is moved over to one side so that the engraving tool [[underlined]] M [[/underlined]] is at the circumference of the disk K.-- the disk K. is then pressed against the tool M - and the pressure regulated so that the tool enters the surface of K about  [[strikethrough]] one or two [[/strikethrough]] 1/4 of a mm. The axis E and disk K are then rotated ^[[at]] [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] a uniform speed by the crank [[underlined]] O [[/underlined]] - while speaking to the mouthpiece L - and the result will be that a spiral groove will be cut in the disk K. and all the vibrations of the diaphragm L - will be recorded in irregularities in the groove - thus: [[arrow pointing to a drawing of a circle containing a wavy spiral line and a centered dot labeled "K."]]

The [[underlined]] spiral [[/underlined]] groove is formed by the motion of the slide B. across the base due to the rotation of the screw H. --
    To reproduce the sounds recorded a slightly blunted tool is used in the place of M - and this tool is made to pass along the groove in the same manner as in cutting the groove, but with the ear placed at the mouthpiece L as in the ordinary phonograph of Edison --

  Noted by S.T. Mar. 29-1881 --
[[annotation in bottom right corner]] [[underlined]] over [[/underlined]] [[/annotation]]
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