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Advantages possessed by this phonograph over Edison's instrument,
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[[centered]] Tuesday Mar. 29-1881 [[/centered]]
   The Phonograph, and Graphophone, (Graphophone which has been suggested by Mr. Bell is the better name) shown on page 1 - seems to me to present the following advantages over Edisons instrument:—
(1) Record obtained will be much more durable —
(2) The reproduction of the sounds from the record will be much more accurate as the vibration of the diaphragm is controlled in both directions, while in Edisons instrument it is only controlled in one direction —
(3) Both sides of the disk or sheet are utilized, thus doubling the surface, which is valuable when long communications are to be recorded —
(4) The records can be easily copied, and the sounds reproduced from the copies.
(5) A greater number of words can be recorded upon a given surface, as the spirals can be made much closer than is possible when tinfoil is used —
(6) Instrument can be used with far less trouble, as there [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] ^[[are]] no thin sheets of tinfoil to place in position every time the instrument is used —
[[centered]] Noted by S.T. Mar. 29-1881 - [[/centered]]
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