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Drawing and description of telephonic transmitter-
Any semi-transparent substance would work equally as well as hard rubber.
This arrangement is specially adapted to work with artificial lights
Small mirror attached directly to diaphragm would probably work equally as well.
Drawing and description of mirror so placed
Necessary to attach the mirror to the diaphragm some distance from its center - 

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Sunday Apr. 3d 1881
if arranged as follows:
[[image - diagram with notes: mirror Lamp Lens axis of mirror Lamp blacked comb- Hard rubber wedge]]
Any substance that is semi-transparent to the effective rays would work equally as well as hard rubber if formed into the same shape. 
This arrangement is specially adapted to work with an artificial light; such as an [[augured?]] gas burner, or kerosene lamp. 
If the small mirror was attached to the diaphragm as shown in the following diagram I think that it would work just as well and the arrangement would be simplified. 
[[image with note: mirror]] The bulging of the diaphragm would alter the angular position of the mirror and produce the desired effect upon the beam of light. [[image - diagram [[?]]]]
It will be necessary to attach it some distance from the [[?]]of the diaphragm as shown - 
Noted by S.J. Apr. 3d 1881