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Survey  Mass.
Coll. No.  12
Locality  Flax [[strikethrough]] Lake [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Pond [[/insertion]], n. of N. Falmouth, across from Sanitarium
County   Barnstable
Water  White, clear
Width  300’+
Vegetation  grasses (sedge?)
Bottom  sand, mud
Shore  Wooded
Distance from shore
Time  3-5 PM
Weather  clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of water
Method of Capture  nets
Date  8-13-50
Collected by   Gibbs & Bowker
Orig. preserv.  Pot. Cyanide
General notes:

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Anax junius [[/underlined]] - ♂[[male symbol]] of mating pair caught, found head of ♀[[female symbol]], not body
[[strikethrough, text in red]] 1♂[[male symbol]] 1♀[[female symbol]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Celithemis mortna [[/underlined]] - sev. [[insertion, in red]] 1 ♂[[male symbol]] [[/insertion]]

[[underlined]] Celithemis elisa [[/underlined]] - 1

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Lestes vigilax [[/underlined]] - [[insertion, in red]] 1 ♂ [[male symbol]] 1 ♀[[female symbol]] [[/insertion]]

[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Ennalagma sp. [[/underlined]] [[insertion, in red]]  doubledayi - 1 ♂[[male symbol]] 1 ♀[[female symbol]] 

Transcription Notes:
From TC (@raferrante): This is primarily a form. What appears on the lines is not an insertion. So as an example, the first line should read "Survey Mass." We will take a look at refining our instruction to make what is and what is not an insertion more clear.