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[[two red check marks in upper right corner]]
Survey  Mass. 129
Coll. No. [[strikethrough]] 130 [[/strikethrough]] 129
Locality  Mashpee River on n. side of bridge where 28 (rt.) crosses
County Barnstable
Quadrangle Cotuit
Water white, clear
Flow 60
Width -30'
Vegetation abundant, aquatic 
Bottom sand, muck
Current mod
Shore wooded
Distance from shore -10'
Time 11:15 - 12: AM
Weather clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water
Method of Capture net
Date July 7, 1951
Collected by RH & SP Gibbs
Orig. preserv pot.cyanide
General notes:
This was a fine, clear stream, literally choked with streaming vegetation. [[in red pencil]] (Elatine) [[/in red pencil]]
Fair sized clupeids were abundant, even swimming into the dense plant growth and floundering. Few dragonflies were seen.
[[underlined]] Libellula pulchella [[/underlined]] - 1 [[male symbol]] seen
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] celithemis martha [[/underlined]] - 1 [[female symbol]]
[[red checkmark]] Amphiogrion soucium - 1 [[female symbol]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Agrion maculatum [[/underlined]] - 1 [[male symbol]]