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[[red asterisk top center of page]]
[[red check mark top right corner of page.]]
Survey  Mass.
Coll. No.  133
Locality  Mills River below Mill Pond S. of Rt. 28 at jct. of M9
County  Barnstable
Quadrangle  Catuit
Water  White, clear
Flow  ?
Width  ?
Vegetation  abundant - roses, pickerel weed, sedges, etc.
Bottom  Humus, muck - gravel in streams
Current  mod.
Shore  Pt. wooded
Distance from shore  - 10'
Weather  clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water
Method of Capture  net
Date  July 15, 1951
Collected by  RH & SP Gibbs
Orig. preserv.  pot. cyanide
Time  10 - 11:45 AM
General notes:  
Erythemis simplicicollis - sev. seen
Ladona deplanato (?) - possibly seen
[[red check mark]] Libellula cyanea - 2 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Libellula pulchella - 2 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Plathemis lydia - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Sympetrum semicinctum - 3 [[male symbol]]
[[strikethrough]] sympetrum [[/strikethrough]]
[[red check mark]] Agrion maculatum 10 [[male symbol]] 8 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Amphiagrion saucium - 4 [[male symbol]] 2 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Argia violacea - 3 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Ischnura verticalis - 1 [[male symbol]] 11 [[female symbol]] (3 orange, 1 as [[male symbol]], 7 gray)
[[red check mark]] Ischnura posita - 1 [[female symbol]]