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[[red check mark top right corner of page.
[[image: preprinted form with lines for entries]]
Survey  Mass.
Coll. No. 150
Locality  Mill Pond & unnamed adjacent small pond
County  Barnstable
Quadrangle Harwich
Water white, clear 
Width - 300’ - (50')
Vegetation  sedges, grasses
Bottom  sand to muck
Shore partly wooded
Distance from shore - 10'
Weather  Clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water
Method of Capture  Net
Date  August 4, 1951
Collected by    RH & SP Gibbs
Orig. preserv.   Pot. Cyanide
Time  2:15 - 3:30 - PM
General notes:
Anax junius - few seen
Aeshna sp. - 1 seen
Libellula incesta - seen
Erythemis simplicicollis - seen
[[red check mark]] Pachydiplax longipennis - 4 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Sympetrum [[strikethrough]] rubican [[/strikethrough]] dulum - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Perithemis [[strikethrough]] domitia [[/strikethrough]] tenera - 2 [[male symbol]] 2 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Celithemis martha - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Celithemis [[strikethrough]] monomelaena [[/strikethrough]] eponina - 2 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Enallagma [[strikethrough]] minusculum [[/strikethrough]] doubledayi - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[strikethrough]] E. signatum [[/strikethrough]] none in coll.
[[red check mark]] E. vesperum - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] E. pictum - 5 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Argia violacea - 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Ischura verticalis - uncom. - 3 [[male symbol]] 5 [[female symbol]] (4 grey, 1 red)
[[red check mark]] [[strikethrough]] I. Kellicotti - ab. [[/strikethrough]] E. geminatum - 8 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] Lestes vigilax - 3 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[red check mark]] ? Sympetrum vicinum - 1 [[male symbol]]
green heron captured & photographed