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[[red check mark in upper right corner]]
Survey Mass.
Coll. No. 220 
Locality Randall Pond
County Barnstable 
Quadrangle Falmouth 
Water White(?), clear  
Flow 0 
Width -300'
Vegetation Nymphaea, Brasenia, Utricularia, Juncus
Bottom Sand, silt 
Shore wooded 
Distance from shore - 10'
Air hot 
Water warm 
Time 4:15 
Weather clear
Depth of Capture  
Depth of Water
Method of Capture net  
Date July 17, 1952
Collected by RH Gibbs (+ J.S. Mackiewicz)
Orig. Preserv. cyanide 
Time 2:45 - 4:15
General notes:
[[underlined]] Anax junius [[/underlined]] - seen
Libellula cyanea [[strikethrough]] [?] [[/strikethrough]] seen
[[red check mark]] " [[ditto for: Libellula]] incesta - 3♂
[[red check mark]] " [[ditto for: Libellula]] auripennis - 1♂
Plathemis lydia - seen
Erythemis simplicicollis - seen
Pachydiplax longipennis - seen
Ladona [[strikethrough]] deplanata [[/strikethrough]] exusta - 1♀ in woods pinned ?
[[red check mark]] Sympetrum rubicundulum - 1♂ 1♀ 
[[red check mark]] Lestes forcipatus - 2♂ 1♀ 
Ischnura verticalis - seen
Enallagma pictum - 1♂ seen