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abdominal segments. This, however, was not infallible. In the field, also, I noted on a few specimens a violet shading on the thorax. On examination of the series later, this proved to be characteristic of [[underlined]] minisculums. [[/underlined]]  Between the two humeral black stripes, the thorax is a rich violet, shading quickly into the normal blue below these stripes. This area is blue in [[underlined]] recurvatum  [[/underlined]]. The female of [[underlined]] recurvatum  [[/underlined]] has blue areas on the 8th tergum, whereas this is black in [[underlined]] minisculum. [[/underlined]]  One rather disgruntling characteristic showed up. Either due to too long a stay in cyanide or some other reason, the [[strikethrough]] [?] [[/strikethrough]] thoraces of all the male [[underlined]] recurvatum  [[/underlined]] except one became discolored and black. Only a few [[underlined]] minisculum [[/underlined]] were so affected.