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[[start page]]

[[left margin, newspaper article with photo of W.H. Shippen]]

[[Left margin]]Scotsman Bobs Up in Circus in Guise of a Zebra [[large black font in bold. Specific font size unknown]]

[[Line below is skipped and centered with smaller black print in bold. Font size unknown ]He's Sold on Argentine, Although He Has To Get up at 5.

[[line skipped in smaller sized black print in bold. Precise font size unknown. Centered]] By W.H. SHIPPEN, Jr. 

[[Line skipped with smaller font than usual. Centered. Precise font size unknown]]Star Staff Correspondent.
[[Line skipped]]
[[New line is on left margin. First word in capitalized]]LA PLATA.--It was an odd place
to find a Scotsman, although travelers
tell me, they can bob up,from
[[tab to make room for photo of W.H. Shippen]]time to time, almost anywhere.
[[right margin]]This one 
was with a circus, a
one-ring animal
show that travels
by truck, 12
months a year, 
the length and
the breadth of the
Argentine, south
in summer, north 
in winter, west
when fruit and grain crops are
[[next line with tab]] For 15 minutes
our ringside 
party watched a
calico zebra 
[[next line left centered to make additional room after photo of W.H. Shippen]]
gambol and frolic ahead of the whip
of a midget clown without suspecting
the presence of a Scotsman. 
The latter half of the zebra emerged 
at conclusion of the act and took 
a how. He even made a little speech
in Spanish.
[[next line with tab]]
But his flaming red hair, his
accent and his sandy complexion
gave him away. I chatted with him
after the show while Dr. William
M. Mann of the Washington Zoo
searched (and found) the friends
of circus performers he knows the
world over. 
[[new line is tabbed as new paragraph]] The Scotsman seemed a bit sad, 
even after we exchanged tobacco
pouches and his pipe bowl proved
twice as capacious as mine. 
[[ next line is centered and in bold] Dislikes Arising at 5.
[[next line is returned to left centered]]
"In the States, now," he said, "the
artists are organized. We do not 
have that here. It is now an hour
after midnight. I must get up at
5 of the mornin'. We move then. 
In the States, now, where the artists 
are organized, would I be getting up 
up at 5 of a mornin' to help pull the stakes?"
[next line tabbed] As a boy he had run away with
a circus to England, had worked in
London, and later in Germany before
coming to Argentina 12 years
[[next line tabbed]] Of my 42 years," he said, "I've
spent 30 with the circus. I'm no
bloody amateur, you know!"
[[new paragraph tabbed]] I agreed and complimented him
on his technique, especially the artistry
displayed with the zebra, 
driven to a jump by the clown ringmaster, 
balks at first and then
climbs the fence with its forelegs,
leaving hind legs on the other side. 
The Scotsman was the hind legs. 
It was his job to swing them around,
not over the jump. The act got a
big hand. I thought one gaucho
who sat next to us was going to
[[new paragraph, tabbed]] Even a few Indians scattered
among the spectators laughed out 
loud. All this I told the Scotsman
without penetrating the gloom in 
which he wrapped himself like
a cloak. He sighed and puffed at 
his pipe. He used more of my matches.
[[new line and paragraph, tabbed]] "Why not try for a job in the
States?"I asked
[[next line centered and in bold with standard print]]
Argentina Galloping
[[next line new paragraph and tabbed.]]
"Because I like the Argentine better. 
This country is not running, 
it's galloping, man! Every time we 
go back to a town we fine thy have
built more to it! Cities are growing
and the country is getting more
prosperous all the time!
[[next line, new paragraph tabbed]]
"Our little show, now. We take
it to Buenos Aires soon to get new 
tents, and trunks. We're going to 
be bigger. I'm working on a bigger
act myself'!
[[next line, tabbed, new paragraph]]
The Scotsman stared at me over
his glowing pipe bowl. There was
a significant silence. I ventured
to ask about the new act, and he became
at once evasive in a way that
implied he was guarding a pofessional 
secret of no little consequence.
[[next line new paragraph tabbed]]As our party came together and 
we prepared to leave ,the Scotsman
sidled over. 
[[next line new paragraph tabbed]] "Man," he said, "if you hear of
a giraffe in the ring, that long neck
may be mine! But, mind you, it's
that gave it away." I
said--and smiled when I said it. 
[[next line new paragraph tabbed]] The Scotsman grinned back 
[tabbed line]]"Now, now!" he said, "how about 
a bit of my tobacco, I am still
smoking yours!"
[[next line centered and in italics]] Next:picking a husband

 a^[[La Plata-May18]]
[[a table, centered with several different cells in red, brown borders]]
Below left brown margin and within first cell; inside table, centered and in bolded red]] EN ESTA LOCALIDAD
[[Red bolded line under wording and in very large red bolded  print. Font size unknown]]ZOO-CIRCUS
[next line left center with much smaller bolded red print. Font size unknown]Empresa J. SANCHEZ [Same line right centerd in small red print]]
Rep. y Dir. Gral. Cap. NIKSICH.
[[Solid bolded red line running under text and across the entire table]][[smaller red bold lined with much smaller printing; font unknown]]
[[Left centered in large red print with font size unknown.]]
[centered small red print with font size unknown]] Noche a las 21 y 30
{Next line larger red print, font size unknown;centered NOVEDADES y ATRACCIONES-HERMOS COLECCION ZOOLOGICA [bold red line running across entire table]] [[next line, bolded in large red print, font size unknown]]
[[left margin]] 5 [[right margin]]25.
[[Centered in large red print, bold with font size unknown]] Leones Africanos
[[red line across centered print]] 
[[ Next line,left margin, bold red print with font size unknown]]
Extraordinario Program [[same line left margin]] 
Director de Pista Julio Lewis.
[Next line, two cells within table. [[Left table outlined by red cell, and right table also outlined by red cell]]
[[ left margin print within cell, centered]] Sta. MARTINEZ [next line smaller red print toward left margin]] En sus originales creaciones de bailes Españoles e Internacionales [[next line bolded red; first word in left margin, second word (slightly below)and centered]] [[ third word right margin]] BELLEZA! 
[[Next line large bold red unsure of font size]]
"BICHO COLORADO"y NICOLA"[[Next row is comprised of 3 cell borders in red print. Far left is first cell centered]] CHUNKY m[next line is in smaller red print and left margin]] EL PONY calculista y adivinador
 presentado por el Director General Capitán [next line centered]] NIKSICH  [[next line is left margin within cell]] MRS. NICOL [[centered within cell]] [next line is left margin in red]] En el sensacional y escalofriante número el "Rodillo de la Muerte"" Arriesgados 
ejercios a gran altura. [[ to the right in red] THE ARIZONAS 
[[Next line has one cell only with black borders and black print]]
[[left margin large number with black font size unknown as well as right margin both]]7 [[to the right of "7" "ELECTRIZANTE!! el joven y valiente domador ANDRES, el hombre de
los nervios de acero desafiando a la muerte, presenta el grupo [[centered in black. Font size unkown]] FEROCES LEONES AFRICANOS
[[next line centered smaller black ink font size unkown]] 
Momentos de intensa emoción que recordará todo su vida.[[Solid black top and bottom lines]]. [[First line centered in large caps, black font; font size unknown]] FORMIDABLE![Next line centered in large black font. font size unknown]]EVADIDO de SIBERIA (o sea "El Penado N.13"
[[Left margin in regular black bolded print]] Es la atracción más sensacional de la época!! por el célebre Capitán NIKSICH. [Next line contains 3 cells with black borders]] [[First cell on left in regular black print.]] LOS PERROS Comediantes
Presentados por el Profesor MARTINEZ, es una ^[[ best guess is nna?]
atracción admirable y de buen
[center cell of black font with font size unknown]]1.000.000
de carcajadas por minuto con NICOLITO, el Tony 
más chico del mundo
[[Third cell on right, first word centered and the res is left margin black font of unknown size]]CHIQUITO
El PONY más chico del
mundo y el MONO PANCHO.
[[Next line is of one cell only outlined in black, centered first line not bolded, second line bolded both in black print, font size unknown]]
[[Next line has three cells from left to right with first line centered and the rest of the lines with black margin. Font size unknown.]]
[[First cell]ELSA Y LOBO
 Sanguinarias hienas asiáticas 
presentadas por su domador.
[[Second "middle" cell]] MR. EVANS
Con sus excelentes imitacíones
[[Final cell first word centered in capitals. Rest is left margin standard black font]] LOS BRILLI
Excelentes Barristas, nuevo
en su género.
[[Next line is one cell only capital, bolded black print. Font size unknown]]SCHARFFI BROTHERS LOS FENOMENALES CONTORSIONISTAS. [[ Black line below]][[Two cells from left to right]][[right is in stardard black print with unknown font]] Venta de las localidades desde las 10 horas en la
Boleteria de Circo
Exhibición Zoológia todos los dias
Desde las 10 as las 17 horas
Visite y vea cómo se amaestran las fieras. [[ Next line centered, in bold, font size unknown with one line underlined]] 
Venta de las localidades desde las 10 horas en la
Boleteria del Cerco
Exhibición Zoológica los dias
Desde las 10 a las 17 horas
Visite y vea cómo se amaestran las fiera [[next line in bold and underlined]] Entrada a exhibición: May,0.20, Men. 0.10 [[right cell first line in bold and centered; other lines of print are standard in black]]
Precios de las Localidades
Popular menores..0.50
Platea alta......1.20
Platea sillas....1.50
Palcos con 5 asientos..10.00
[[Next line is outside of the table at the bottom left and bottom right]
Empuesto Municipal Pago      Imprenta DUPUY-Azul