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[[Top of menu]]

[[COLUMN 1]]
           Cover $ 0.20

            HOT DISHES

Boiled bacon w. sauerkraut..........  1.--
Bismarck Steak......................  1.50
Filet Grisette......................  1.40
French fried potatoes w. 2 eggs.....  1.--
German sausages w. sauerkraut.......  0.70
Ham-or-bacon and eggs...............  1.20
  "  "  "     "  w. fr. pot. .......  1.40
  "  Hooks w. sauerkraut ...........  0.80
Omelette Spanish Style .............  0.80
   "     w. green peas .............  1.--
   "     w. ham ....................  1.20
   "     Farmer Breakfast ..........  1.--
Sauerkraut garni (Special Dish) ....  1.30
Smocked porc chops w. Sauerkraut ...  0.90
   o  potatoes salad ...............  1.--
Veal-Cutlet a la Viena .............  1.20
    "       "  " Romana ............  1.40
    "       "  " Holstein ..........  1.40
1/4 Roast Chicken w. Salad (wing) ..  1.50
1/4  "       "    "    "   (leg) ...  1.30
1/4  "       "    Portugise Style ..  1.30
Tenderloinsteak Farm Yard Bar ......  1.40
      "         two eggs fried pot..  1.60
      "         two eggs ...........  1.30
      "         fried potatoes .....  1.20
      "         natural ............  0.90

            COLD DISHES

Anchovis in Oil ...................  0.80
Bismarck Herring ..................  0.70
Caviar Malasol ....................  6.--
Chicken Salad .....................  1.--
Cold Meats-Gourmand Special .......  2.50
  "   "    Swedish ................  1.50
  "   "    Housedish ..............  1.20
  "   "    Simple .................  0.80
Calfshead in Vinigrette ...........  0.70
Eggs Russian Style ................  1.40
Ham Raw or Boiled w. pickles ......  1.30
Ham Hocks in Aspic ................  0.90
Housemade Headcheese ..............  0.80
German Sausage Landjaeger .........  0.60
  "    Smoked Rhine Salmon ........  1.20
Lamb Tongue from Campana ..........  0.90
Mayonaise of Lobster ..............  2.50
    "      " Thunn ................  1.20
    "      " Salmon ...............  1.--
    "      " Chicken ..............  1.20
    "      " Fish .................  0.80
Matambre ..........................  0.70
Milan Salami ......................  0.90
Matjes Herring solo ...............  0.90
Ox Tongue smoked w. pot. Salad ....  1.20
Paté de foie gras imported ........  2.50
Pejerrey in Sour ..................  0.80
Porc chops in Aspic ...............  0.90
Roasbeef w. Tartaresauce ..........  0.90
Roast Pork w. Pot. Sal. ...........  1.--
Roast Veal w. Beetroots ...........  0.90

[[column 2]]

1/4 Roast Chicken w. Salad (wing)..  1.50
1/4 Roast Chicken w. Salad (leg.)..  1.30
Rollmops ..........................  0.50
Roast Turkey w. Russian Salad .....  1.50
Sucking Pig w. Pot. Sal. ..........  1.10
Smoked Herring ....................  0.80
Sardins in Oil ....................  1.--
   "    Russians ..................  0.60
Sprotten from Riga smoked sardines.  1.20
Turkey in Aspic ...................  1.--
Tartar Steak garni ................  0.90


With German cold cuts .............  0.50
  "  Ham Raw or Boiled ............  0.60
  "  Mar del Plata Cheese .....^[[-50]] [[strikethrough]] 0.40 [[/strikethrough]]
  "  Gruyere or Roquefort .........  0.70
  "  Camembert ....................  0.50
  "  Limburger ....................  0.50
  "  Milán Salami .................  0.70
  "  Paté de foie gras ............  1.50
  "  Roastbeef ....................  0.60
  "  Roast Porc or Veal ...........  0.60
  "  Smoked Ox Tongue .............  0.70
  "  Smoked porc chops ............  0.70
  "  Turkey .......................  1.20
  "  Rhine Salmon .................  0.70
  "  Sardins ......................  0.70
  "  Caviar simple ................  1.60
A la Farm Yard Bar ................  1.--^[[20]]
A la Bismarck .........^[[1.00?]] [[strikethrough]]  0.80  [[/strikethrough]]
With Anchovis .....................  0.60
  "  Small Tenderloin Steak .......  0.70
  "  Fried Sausages ...............  0.60
  "  Tartar .......................  0.60
Club Sandwiches ...................  1.30
    All Sandwiches with toasted bread
                0.10 more.


Potatones .........................  0.50
  or Lettuce ......................  0.40
Hering, Russian, Italian ..........  0.70
Ox Lips ...........................  0.70
Mixt or Beetroots .................  0.50
Fruits Salad in Marsala ...........  0.80

Camembert, Creme de Gruyere, Limburg 0.50
Roquefort Emmentaler ..............  0.90
Mar del Plata .....^[[-100]] [[strikethrough]] 0.40 [[/strikethrough]]

Apple Tart, o.50 - w. Cream .......  0.60
Mixed Compot ......................  0.80
Prunes 0.60 - Peaches .............  0.70
Pine - Apple ......................  0.80
Apple - Pancake ...................  1.--

[[bottom of menu]]