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Wednesday Jan. 4 - 1882.
The transferring apparatus is shown in detail in Fig. 7. which is about full size --
Fig. 7. [[image, precise drawing of apparatus, with parts labeled A through I ]]
A. is a steel bar sliding in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] holes in the
brass support - B. C is a similar bar sliding in the support - D. Secured to bar A - 
at the inside end is a piece E. which carries an adjusting screw F. the object of which
is to lengthen or shorten the distance between the ends of bar A & C. 
Screw F is tapped into piece E. and simply butts against the end of C. 
The end of bar A. is formed into a rounded chisel shaped point and rests against the
phonogram upon the copper electrotype a portion of which is shown at G. The end of bar C.
is formed into a cutting tool and is represented as cutting the phonogram in the disk Y
(see p. 23) a portion of which is shown at H. The end of bar A. is pressed with a slight
force against the copper phonogram by means of the spiral spring I. on bar C. so as to
cause it to follow all the irregularities 
Noted by S.T. Jan. 4 & 5 - 1882 ----- over