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           Friday Feb. 10-1882-
trial. [[Strikethrough]] and [[/Strikethrough]] As the result shows, theory and practice agreed in this case, and the arrangement is a failure.
     As long ago as 1879 - A.G.B. proposed to make what he called a "Swearing Top" or an [[Strikethrough]] arrangement [[/Strikethrough]] ^[[instrument]] that would utter an oath or other words and short sentences ^[[in a loud voice]] by simply turning a crank, or swinging it around like a watchman's rattle.
     He thought that if such a toy could be perfected and patented that a great deal of money could be realized from it.
     I agree with him, and as we now have the means of making durable phonograms which can be used in connection with some form of frictional reproducing apparatus I see no reason why such a toy cannot be made.
     Having the above in view I made the following experiment today to see what effects could be produced by using the old Edisonian reproducing apparatus with the iron phonogram.

[[Line drawing: Apparatus with labels A-C]]

     A. Iron plate with phonogram on right hand side -  B. reproducing apparatus which ^[[consists]] of a german silver spring with one end bent up at right angles and connected to an iron diaphragm by means of a piece of wood C.
     The arrangement is the same as the one shown on p. 27 Vol. 5 with the exception
          Noted by S.T. Feb. 10-1882 - over