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Tuesday June 13 - 1882.
record here.
Column (1) gives the reading of the [[underlined]] E.E.G. [[/underlined]] scale, and column (2) the percentage of energy in the circuit as ascertained from the deflections of the galvanometer. Columns (3) and (4) were obtained from readings on the [[underlined]] E.E.G. [[/underlined]] scale intermediate between the centers such as 5-15-25 etc.
(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)
100   100    0     0
90    89     5     2.2
80    76     15    9.
70    64     25    17.3
60    53.6   35    27.3
50    43.3   45    35.2
40    32.7   55    47.3
30    22.7   65    58.2
20    13.1   75    69.
10    5.5    85    81.
0     0.     95    96.
-     -      100   99.1
If the apparatus had worked correctly the figures in column (2), should have corresponded with those in column (1), and those in column (4), with those in (3). The greatest difference between the theoretical and observed effects seems to be 7.7% which [[insertion]] is [[/insertion]] obtained about the middle of the scale. The errors gradually decreasing towards each end.
Noted by S.T. June 13 - 1882 -