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Monday Apr. 9-1883.

Some time ago I ordered a long strip of sheet copper for purpose of making narrow strips for my double conductor.  On Saturday I received through L.H. Schneider & Son a roll of copper composed of a strip about 4 in wide and 170 ft. long, No. 30 Eng. gage.

This wide strip I propose to cut up into suitable narrow ones by means of the following machine, which was completed about a week ago for this purpose:

A & B are two rotary steel cutters mounted so as to overlap slightly and form a pair of shears, as shown. 

[[image - diagram of machine annotated with A-H]]

Cutter A, is fastened to the end of a shaft which turns in the support C, and is worked by the crank -D-

Noted by S.T. Apr. 9-1883 [[overlined and underlined]] over [[/overlined and underlined]]