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          Wednesday May 23 - 1883.

    In making this arrangement I aimed to have the board C as free as possible so that it would not be hindered in its vibration by anything except the style.
    The records made with it were very shallow and invisible to naked eye except in the case of very loud sounds.

[[image: diagram of apparatus labeled with capital letters A, B, C, D, E, F]]

    The reproducing arrangement used in reproducing the sounds was the same as used in the experiment made last Saturday, and is shown in the opposite diagram.
    E Is the phonograph cylinder, A The watch spring style, B [[Mica?]] diaphragm connected with A by two pieces of thread C - D and a rubber band F between. (This is the same apparatus ^[[that was]] used over a year ago.)
    The reproduced sounds were I believe [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a more faithful copy of the originals than any yet produced, and were only wanting in loudness to make them perfectly intelligible to a person who was ignorant of what was recorded.
    Noted by S.T. May 23 - 1883.