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(Cacao, coffee, and bananas), managed by Mr. Rorer, formerly of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
About August 1 I went to Quito and arranged for a trip by horses to Tulcán. On this trip I was accompanied by Mr. J. R. McWilliam of Quito, an American missionary, as interpreter and guide. Our route lay through Ibarra and the La Rinconada Hacienda to Tulcan, the journey occupying one week. From Quito a trip was made to Pichincha a volcano near by (15000 ft.).
  In the latter part of August I returned to Guayaquil and started on a trip through southern Ecuador which occupied three weeks, accompanied by Mr. McWilliam. We first went by boat to Santa Rosa then by mules to Portovelo, Loja, Cuenca and finally to Huigra on the railroad. At Portovelo is a gold mine, run by Americans, with Mr. Tweedie in charge, through whose courtesy we were given the privileges of the company's houses.
  On September 18 I went to Ambato and in company with Mr. McWilliam, went by mule to Baños and into the Oriente a day's journey beyond Banos. I then went to Quito and on the way back to Guayaquil, stopped over at Urbina, a station located at the highest point on the railroad (nearly 12000 ft.). From this place I ascended the volcano Chimborazo to the snow line (about 16000 ft.). I then returned to Guayaquil and prepared to leave for Peru. I packed my plants for shipment to Washington.
  On October 11 I left by the Peruvian Line for Callao where I arrived October 17. I went to Lima to make arrangements for a trip to the interior over the Central Railroad. First, I went by rail to