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went down 2 Leibers where Fa/er got me a sealskin sack & muff. /en nto Shievrs where man lkd scornful when I askd ware - o royal Worcester: /en on 3d st cars out 2 Silver St kindergarden 
A large buildg gi by Crocker 2 his daughter who gi rent o $50 a month 2 / school. It s / best n / city - 43 here & n Oakland. / down stairs room s large & full o open windows. A dado o pictures, animals, children etc ag / terra cotta paper makes cheerful - x high art - b room full o pictures o / kind children enjoy. Children tot 2 march on black line 2 music - sing song ab keep'g hd up, toes out, etc & teachers scattd along line keep orderly & speak 2 /ose t forget - alw kindly - [[superscript]] [15] [[/superscript]] 

Transcription Notes:
The dado is the lower part of the wall, distinguished from the rest (in this case, with art) - megshu The forward slash appears to be shorthand for "th"