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"xcuse me, dear" on going n front. "Willie, will u please do _ _ _, etc. Atmosphere o love & kdness. Hour o play constantly learning, b unconsciously & ventg 2 energies 2 prepare f work. One child suggests barnyd game n wh li girl wi ringlets prim, wi mo/erly air s old hen, & sprds wings over little chickens One child 2 yrs old. One, mo/er so cruel - n red stockgs - warned t child wd b taken away. All very poor. Study n heredity 2 see varieties o face & char stamped bef 6-8 yrs. Baby n pink & white li [[Gusset?]] - little [[Juvess?]] wi blk eyes & hair - b out - now eager - awed little face listn'g 2 teacher. A Little darlng takes active part n game - Sweet gentle faces - hard - dull - intellig - all kinds. One boy [[subscript]] [16] [[/subscript]]