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etc x f worship" [[insertion]] ^ Driver says begins 40 yrs ago & will b completed (n a low voice, / devil knows when." [[/insertion]] Lakes. neck opposite. circular (turntable) wi brick pillars. pretty lawns & flower beds nside wall. Drove past Brigham Young's grave - x monument - acc [[insertion]] blk [[/insertion]] beam fence n one corner o & green plot - sq melons n fence - green circle wi figs on sides - white slabs flat on gd - sev wives t h died.
Saw houses wives lived in. Oppos B. hive & Lion house w Amelia house which w built f favorite - "at [[underlined]] one time [[/underlined]] favorite wife" A hands modern house. After dea/ o B.Y. it w taken by church, as built wi ch money.
Entrance 2 B hive etc gateway wi Eagle wi spread wings standg on B. hive. Lion house wi lion on barn [39]