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[[image: top left]]
[[photo of field]]
1342A. Grua for weighing cane. Baragua, Cuba.

[[image: top right]]
[[photo of three men in field]]
1342A. Johnston, Scientific Director of United Fruit Co.; Van Dine, Director of Laboratory , Tropical Plant Research Foundation; Earle, of Herradura.

[[image: center left]]
[[photo of field]]
1344A. Playa. The coastal marsh near Baragua, mostly Panicum virgatum cubense.

[[image: bottom left]]
[[photo of river]]
1347A. River banks with Tillandsia usneoides, Baragua.

[[image: bottom center]]
[[photo of trees]]
1343A. Palmetto woods, Baragua, Cuba.

[[image: bottom right]]
[[photo of tree]]
1345A. Prickly belly-palm, Baragua.