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Awful storm all night - slamming & blowing.
Wea.     FRI. FEB. 4, 1927     Ther.
Harbor full of blocks of ice in morning.  A finished "Sewing Machine," & worked on small "Canvas Lighthouse"  I worked on ice & scraped it out.

Wea.     SATURDAY 5     Ther.
Both painting in morning, A working on Stravinsky thing but tore it up.  I painting lemon.  A to Huntington in P.M.  Drawing back from Youths Companion in evening mail - want girls - legs especially "prettied up."

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Wea.     SUN. FEB. 6, 1927     Ther.
Rain & Snow - dark.  Read papers - A fixed up Youth's Comp. drawing, I wrote up diary.  I sent order to Hatfeld for paint.  In evening I wrote to Mary & Neely & A wrote to Mary, Neely, Mrs Eddy & Mother and Robert.

Wea.     MONDAY 7     Ther.
Mailed Youths Comp. drawing.  Both painted  A finished "Lighthouse" no. 1  I on still life.  At 3 went to Huntington to take bus to Northport to ask about said being resent, met Tony he drove us over & back to boat, in for a drink.  A & I had nice talk.