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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     SUN. AUG. 7, 1927     Ther.
A working on drawings.  I reading Sacco Vanzettei case most of day.  No one here.

Wea.     MONDAY 8      Ther.
A drawing all day, I a shore in morning, asleep in P.M.  Eddie here 1/2 day.  Hard rain & wind in P.M.  I wrote to Mother & Davidsons.

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Wea.     TUES. AUG 9, 1927     Ther.
Eddie finished decks, paid him $20.00  A working on Everybody's job.

Wea.     WEDNESDAY 10     Ther.
A did [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] drawings for E.  I to Huntington, for medicine & meat.

Transcription Notes:
I think Sacco Vanzettei refers to Sacco and Vanzetti -- two Italian anarchists who were convicted of murdering two people during a robbery in MA. They were executed in August of 1927. - tml