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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     WED. SEPT. 28, 1927     Ther.
A painting on "candles" but nixed it off.  I started "covered hat."  To Huntington in P.M. walked part way.

Wea.    THURSDAY   29     Ther.
Story from Youths Companion.  A painted - "Sand [[h?]]orses."
I painted - rubbed it out.  Both out in dink in P.M.  Letter from A's mother.

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Wea.     FRI. SEPT. 30, 1927      Ther.
Captain Main asked us to look at their boat - did.  To dock for food.  Down to look at swell Navy hull boat, boy asked us to go tomorrow to see inside  Dinner, very good broiler, & both to other side of harbor & for walk through woods woods.

Wea.    SAT. OCT. 1     Ther.
Both down early to look at Cellra[[?]] VI.  Navy hull boat built up.  Then A scalloped for a while & got 28.  Back cleaned boat, Van Wyck & Lucky in - A gave V.W. drawing.  I to store here - no one to Huntington.