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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Temp 87%.
Wea.     SUN. OCT. 2, 1927     Ther.
Both painting.  I started "Plant in glass, A working on "Park."  Chub stopped - gave her salmon dress.  Both swimming.  I telephoned Schneider for paint & more boards.

Wea.     MONDAY 3     Ther.
Both painting on same thing.

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Wea.     TUES. OCT. 4, 1927     Ther.
Both painting, I finished Plant, & A started a beauty of out board motor on zinc.  To Huntington in P.M. brought Chop Suey back for supper.

Wea.     WEDNESDAY 5     Ther.
Letter from Kathleen Eddy asking us there for fun[[?]] next Sunday.  A out for ideas & scallops - got 128 of the latter.  I painted clam house ^[[2.9.]], washed hair, got indigestion again, lay down.  Both out in little boat later.