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^[[Hard rain]]
Wea.    THUR.   NOV 3.  1927    Ther.

A awake most of night. Sent 
another S.O.S to his mother.
I worked on and finished glass pitcher - a finished copper frame for it.
A finished tug boat.
Called up Steiglitz- tack last
night, going to start Maria's
show Monday.

Wea.       FRIDAY 4       Ther.

A letter from Mother on train 
on way to Lyndrosk saying Edith 
+ Matilda very ill. I called up
in afernoon and planned to go 
over to Syntralp..ct day.
Not much else done.

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Wea.    SAT. NOV. 5, 1927   Ther.
I up early to Lyndrosk, Mother
+ Clut on Mineola platform
waiting for me. Clut drove
over to her house in new "La Salle."
Ma and I talked - Clut marketed +
got lunch. She drove me home,
collecting friend with - license. All in
....for little while s.....ed ....
over paintings.

Wea.       SUNDAY 6       Ther.

Quite tired not much done-
A painting some on experiments.
In afternoon we called on
Comerses + the "Als"