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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.    SAT. NOV. 19, 1927    Ther.
More fixing of house & pumping of boat, I to Huntington in P.M.  A painted "Operation on Eye", a quivering flaming thing.  A with cold, & aches in face, not well at all.

Wea.    SUNDAY 20    Ther.
A met Mr Veroni in front of P.O. he in had couple of drinks & promised us some wine.  Back in P.M. with 2 qut [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wine & dish with rabbit & corn meal cooked Italian style.  Chub & Douglas here.

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Wea.     MON. NOV. 21, 1927     Ther.
A letter from Kathleen Eddy saying they wouldn't be here Thanksgiving.  I wrote to Mother, Dottie, Dorothy, & Lila.  Arthur wrote to his mother.  A down to pump out pond then hauling boat out, both down in afternoon & were scrubbing bottom.  Later I wrote to Steiglitz.  A letter from Mother with 3.00 for birthday.

Wea.     TUESDAY 22     Ther.
I 41 today.  A to Huntington, brought me sweet little bottle of perfume & bath salts.  I called up Chub asking them here for Thanksgiving.