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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     WED. NOV. 23, 1927     Ther.
Chub called up - they can't come.  I to Huntington marketing.  Very mild, in afternoon cleaned living room.  A & I to Huntington, A telephoned Tony.  I got gingham for kitchen curtains, made them & put them up.  Tony here with gal. in eve.  A letter from Mary enclosing 2 photographs of herself in evening mail, so glad to get it.

Wea.     THURSDAY 24 ^[[(S)]]    Ther.
Thanksgiving day.  Arthur working on article for his show, as he's been doing for several days, a difficult job.  I - nothing much besides stuffing chicken & other odd chores.  Took a nap in afternoon, first time I've lain down in day time since we moved.

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Wea.     FRI. NOV. 25, 1927     Ther.
Letters from Stieglitz to A & me.  A's show comes next.  O'Keeffe arranging show at Opportunity Valley with 5 of mine in it.  A read his "Idea" to Stieglitz over telephone - he thought it fine - said it would have same effect Marian's letter had.  A had it type written & mailed it & possible letter to Duncan Phillips.  I tried letter to O'Keeffe, but no good.

Wea.     SATURDAY 26     Ther.
A to Huntington - got food & magazines.  I did only chores & read.