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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     SAT. DEC. 17, 1927     Ther.
Swell books from Mary.  All morning addressing cards for my show.  Both to Huntington in P.M. getting Xmas presents.  A fine notice of A's show by McBride in Sat. Eve. Sun.  We were most thrilled.

Wea.     SUNDAY 18     Ther.
Another fine review in Times & notice in World.  Reading papers, for a walk, & I finished Dorothy's present, & A started boat for A. Roselle.

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[[strikethrough]] Reply from Duncan Phillips [[/strikethrough]]
Wea.     MON. DEC. 19, 1927     Ther.
I did up packages to Rankins, Bill Torrs, Ma & Robert, Alfy, A made row boat of copper.  Letter from Dorothy McL. & cards from Raleighs & D[[??]].  Both to Huntington in afternoon - finished - or almost - shopping for [[strikethrough]] local people - Rosells & children -Ricl[[?]] Eddy etc. [[/strikethrough]]  Casey, Miss Barry, Blades, H.B. Davidson children, A's mother.

Wea.     TUESDAY 20  ^[[(S)]]    Ther.
[[strikethrough]] A telephoned O.K. & Stieglitz read D.P's letter and his reply.  S thought it really fine, said P. might not understand it. [[/strikethrough]]
Both to Huntington - did local people Roselles children etc.  Tony brought us home.  In P.M. mailed packages to Casey, Miss Barry, Davidsons children.  Little Xmas tree to A's mother & Paul.  A letter & 7.00 from Mother.  Reply from Duncan Phillips in eve. mail.  A tried to get Stieglitz on phone but he'd gone.  A sent letter & reviews of his show to his mother.