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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

A telephoned O.K. then S. & read D.P. letter and his reply.
Wea.     WED. DEC. 21, 1927     Ther.
A sent letter to Duncan Phillips, sent letter from D.P. to Stieglitz also copy of his reply.  S. thought it fine over telephone - said D.P. might not understand it.  Also sent thing he wrote about Bleumner.  On tel. S. said for bids on paintings & things moving well.  A brought Cap. of Coast Guard boat in.  In eve. letter from A's mother, ^[[$50.00 Xmas $.]] Stockings from Helen Bonnell - horse back riding.  A went to Dicken[[?]] & Cl[[??]].
[[hand drawn line across page under entry]]

Wea.     THURSDAY 22     Ther.
The Phillips Gallery book from Dottie & George and a lovely black kimono for me.  A note from Elizabeth, card from the Van Wyck Brooks, A to Huntington - sent Bill's Xmas check & newspaper reviews of his show.

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Wea.     FRI. DEC. 23, 1927     Ther.
Both to Huntington for things for Curcios, Bill Holly, etc.  Sent Mrs C cherry plant & got one for Spences.  Pete a belt.  Tony drove us down & there for L. & wine.  Tony back & borrowed electric light bulbs for Pete's lantern.

Wea.     SATURDAY 24     Ther.
A to Huntington in morning, got me a leather case & paper for sketching.  A fine idea, & a black cord with pendant.  I to Huntington in P.M. got A a Whittman record & an address book.  Both tired & releived to have every thing gottein.  Both distributing things here in neighborhood.