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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     SUN. DEC. 25, 1927     Ther.
Christmas day.  I up late - Neither doing much but resting - a nice day though.  Got Sat. Sun & read nice 1/4 inch by McBride about my paintings in show.

Wea.     MONDAY 26     Ther.
Cleaned up.  Taphouse in in morning.  Box of silly things from Alfy.  Both out for walk - very cold.  Tried to call up Eddys. 

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Wea.     TUES. DEC. 27, 1927     Ther.
A called up Davidsons - got Zoler - then called gallery got Stieglitz - nothing sold - talked with Davidson.  A took up in P.M.  I for walk & stopped in to see Holly's Xmas tree.
[[strikethrough]] Taph [[/strikethrough]]

Wea.     WEDNESDAY 28     Ther.
Like Spring.  A answered tel. Davidson - made date Friday.  A called up Casey - will send joke when he gets it.  A called up Hilder - he said just in time - he had a bunch of stories from Harper & would send one.  I cleaned house - did wash.