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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     THUR. DEC. 29, 1927     Ther.
Doing things ^[[getting]] ready to go to town.  Cleaned up house & in P.M. A and I & Bill the dog for a walk across the mill dam.

Wea.     FRIDAY 30     Ther.
Both up at 6 & to N.Y. on 8.11.  I to Brestons[[?]] for Art News, then to Opportunity Gal.  Was disappointed in my things.  Had talk with with Miss T.  To Intimate Gal.  A there, the Davidsons & Strand.  O'Keeffe operated on that morning - feared cancer but it was a cist - Stieglitz in & Seligman.  O.K. getting on all right.  A letter from D. Phillips saying he would be up.  We to lunch with Davidsons, Beck joined us.  Back on 4.23.  Davidsons asked us there for Jan.

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Wea.     SAT. DEC. 31, 1927     Ther.
Very tired.  Fixed up house & in afternoon copied Phillips correspondence & wrote note to Davidsons, A sent letter about this house, & a copy of N. Yorker criticism.  I awake till 12. when the whistles blew.  A swell Frank Sullivan column announcing the return of Heywood B. to the world.  Mr George in with pumpkin pie.

[[handwritten date]] Sunday - Jan 1. 1928
Reading papers & this & that - talking things out.  In afternoon the Spences in.