Viewing page 27 of 66

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B Friday 27,
Go to [[Summers?]] for
[[?]] Fine place
made for clams
got 48. Wrote on
Am. boy story
B Monday 28
To New York
Start 5 AM to fill
engine etc Go to dentist
about lip (sunburn)
Reliance for papers
Call up Chamberlain
Life for [[job?]]
took Casey & Nellie
to lunch -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Get 504 back
[[Alht?]] at Huntington
buy eel get Home
about 6.30. 5 gal Gas
B. Tues - 29.
Finished Am Boy
story + I had chowder
etc with Dickson
& Meyers
B. [[Whied?]] 30 M. 5.30
very low tide going
clamming. 40 Clams.
& 20 scallops which (s)
I threw back as out 
of season Went to
Halesite & [[Shermans?]]