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2 paintings.
Reds - painted Chrysaa[[?]]
Made sucelch[[guess]]
Repaired Chain - 
Frue[[guess] letter fm Mother
to Reds. - Letter fm
Alfy Shaping[[guess]] his show
was post.
Th. Nov 27.
Maun[[guess] S garing[[guess]] - B2
[[underlined]] Wkd on [[?]] painting
& [[?]] [[/underlined]] Reds did wash
& match box painting
Took walk [[?]]ates[[guess]] -
Fri. Nov 28. Penger
B. 4 Reds did smal
basket (yellow) painting
I did small sculpture
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
painting green spring blue
[[?]] penny. Made case 
for it. Davidson
called up tel. to [[?]]
for glass clam & pe[[?]]
pot. to mat.
Sat. Nov 29. O.
Calm. Rained little
in AM - Caught flounder
fm dock fr lunch
Made fish chowder.
Cleaned out all trunks
Changed th springs
for bed as bed was damp
No sleep! Wind fm South
at night. Colder
Draft for 1000 in PM letter fm Mother