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January, 1925
Sun. 4  Walked and talked - Arthur said if [[Clorist??]] Could have stamped "Christ" - Sears Roebuck could have got out the stamp -"
Mon. 5  Arthur awake all night - me N.Y. part. 8.30 car to Huntington- 11.25 joint account in Corn Exchange Bank
Coat, hat & scarf at Abercrombie & Fitch.
Tue. 6  Up 7.30.  Finished grey shirts washed, ironed.  At 4.30 Arthur & I to Curcios to get bread.  Made us stay to supper.  Tony drove us home.  A remarkable family.
Wed. 7  Up at 8.  Pictorial Review story came I read - A. wrote possible drawings.  Posed in P.M.

Thur. 8  Both - worked on Pictorial Review story all day.

Fri. 9  Both went to Huntington A.M.  Took black dress to cleaners - ready Tues.  Arthur Pictorial Rvw P.M.  I washed clothes etc.  Iron soup kettle - grand soup.
Sat. 10 Washed - posed  Wrote Joy Younge, Aunt Mary H.
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Sun. 11 Posed.  A & I walked & coasted with kids.  Miss Taphouse & Whitney Scudder & kid came, ^[[Miss T]] stayed till 9.  Taught us cross w.p.

Mon. 12 Ironed - posed - marketed-

Tues. 13 Posed all day

Wed. 14  Scrubbed galley in a.m.  Huntington p.m.

Thur. 15 Posed. Sewed machine.  Both to Abrahams.

Fri. 16 Posed -

Sat. 17 Posed.  Both to Huntington.  Met Tony, to his house, he drove us home - "It's "row boats"