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February, 1925
SUN. 1  Pretty cow.  Took walk while A. finished W.d.  He regretted it.

MON. 2  Nothing but a cold.  In bed half day.

TUES. 3  A cold.  Posed for P.R. story.  Mother & Robert started for Florida.

WED. 4  Cold better.  Cleaned boat.

THUR. 5  Cold much better.  Wrote Mary sent 100 francs for birthday.  Took walk.  Letter from Chub, adoption ^[[of A.. ??]] uncertain

FRI. 6  Both up 6.30 to N.Y.  I to Dorothy's - A. met ed. Am. Boy.  $800 work.  To lunch.  To Macy's - jazz el. mass [[??]] Got French gr. French dic. Thomas the Imposter by Cocteau.  Boat at 5.
SAT. 7  P.R. story.  Started French.

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SUN. 8  Helped mount drawing with hellish cement.
Chub & Douglas came.  Many gifts - little flower from bulb ^[[to me]].  A & I took walk, he read Cocteau to me
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MON. 9  Cleaned.  Wrote Elizabeth & D Sent A's piece for catalogue.  Wrote Mother & Chub.  Letter from Mother - Mary's enclosed.  Both to lumber yard.  Dick came A. upset.
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TUES. 10  Washed.  To Huntington in express truck - 

WED. 11  Pictorial Review done!  Ironed.  Finished "Thomas the Imposter"

THUR.  12  Lincoln's Birthday  Dick & man worked on engine  Made  cushion covers.  Letter from Elizabeth.  A & I took walk.

FRI. 13  Cleaned boat.  French all P.M.

SAT. 14  Man took engine apart scrubbed & cooked.  Walked to Huntington.