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March, 1925

SUN. 1  Alfy - A.M.  Tony & brother in law in P.M.  A & T terribly funny.  Alfy left 9.14.

MON. 2  Arthur [[underlined]] worked on Miss Woolworths [[/underlined]] frame.  I washed.  Cold & windy.  Both to Huntington  cleaned boat, & packed things for N.Y.  
TUES. 3  To N.Y. on 8.09.  To find Anderson Galleries.  Saw paintings  Arthur found Miss W.  Both to the dentist, me through, A. not.  Back on 3.04 train.
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
WED. 4  Arthur makes 3 frames  I send invitations.  Write to Dotty, Neely, & Elizabeth.
THUR. 5  A to N.Y. 659 train with frames, back at 1. I cleaned boat & ironed.

FRI. 6  Did this & that

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March, 1925
SUN. 8  Working on show all day.  Steiglitz, O.K. Marins, Rosenfeld, Nolan[[??]], Rembeck, Mrs. Smith, Strands, Arthur & self to dinner - very amusing.  Came back on 8.22. train.

MON. 9  In bed all day sick head ache.  Dick and Tim worked on engine.  
TUES. 10  More work on engine  I to Huntington.

WED. 11  To N.Y. on 8.09. to show - people resentful of "Miss Woolworth"  Louis Boucher said "breath of air.  Forbes Watson & C[[??]] in.  To lunch with Elizabeth.  Met Mrs Eday[[??]]Howard, Clive, Phil, McCoys
^[[S]]^ THUR. 12  Dick worked on engine  I washed.

FRI. 13  Nothing much -   

Transcription Notes:
Miss Woolworth is the title of a painting done by Dove in the 20's -- dealing with consumerism. TML