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     MARCH, 1925
SUN. 15  Got all the papers - pretty awful stuff.
Chub & Douglas to dinner, a dr[[??]]

MON. 16  I to Huntington station for New Republics. Read in P[[?]]  & cafe.   Newton in - very nice.

TUES. 17 Cleaned boat & ironed

WED. 18  Both off at 7 a.m. for Fire Island  Neat connections. Ocean grand. got shells. Back at 1.40  Washed hair. to bed early.  Letter from Lila.
THUR. 19  Illustration for Am. Boy  Wrote to Lila & Dottie. Posed till 10:30 -
FRI. 20  Very tired - not much done

SAT. 21  Cleaned boat & to Huntington

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     MARCH 1925
SUN. 22  More work on boat. 
Papers - 
MON. 23  Both to N.Y. on 8.09. Bank & Paper  To show.  Slight sick, no voice.  Dottie came.  ^[[bought one.]]^  Rosenfeld asked us to lunch Sat.  Cila came.  A. L. & I to lunch much Westport gossip 
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TUES. 24  In bed all day - aches in tum & back.

WED. 25  Up & much better.  Dottie here at 11 A.M. Talk, lunch, walk.  Spring "airs" sat on deck, Al over - Tony and Pete over.  Supper  talk on Art & to bed.
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THUR. 26  Arthur assisted by Dottie took covers off boat.  I cleaned boat & got lunch.  Al in again.  Dottie left at 4.
FRI. 27  Not very brisk, washed.  A & I went to greenhouse for pansies, planted 12 plants in glass house.  Also calendulas.
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SAT. 28  Slept till after 8.  A to Huntington  Cleaned boat.  I to Huntington station in P.M. got New Yorker  good review of show.