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SUN. 13  Papers & talk.  Down around Lloyds H. in P.M.  Saw Mr & Mrs Christ sailing briskly.
MON. 14  Check back from Bill.  A to Huntington & mailed $100 to bank[[?]]  Washed & aired bedding  Both walked to Huntington.  A got sheet lead  Cloudy.  Letter from A's mother - 
TUES. 15  Both in slump as to work  A. planned enlargement of toilet.  I started make over Chinese dress.
WED. 16  A working on toilet - I helping.  Stuffed pillow, started fix tweed suit, Dixons here.  A. finished toilet.
THUR. 17  Painted t.  did chores.  To Huntington.  walked -
FRI. 18  [[strikethrough]]  To Huntington in A.M. [[/strikethrough]]  To Lloyds creek in A.M.  Left here at 8.A.M  Saw Dixons - Scrubbed boat.  A asleep.  To D's for dinner.  A got clams ^[[and snappers]].  Edie to lunch.  Back
to SAT. 19  Halesite in P.M.  Roughy arent [[?]]  I to Huntington - got "Dark Laughter  A to Edwards.  Read to each other in ev.
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[[start page]]
SUN. 20  A awake early reading D.L  finished it at 11 A.M.  I then finished it.  Emotionally handsome.  no one here.  A "made"  letter to his mother, I wrote to mine
MON. 21  Washed - put more paint on toilet.  A made plaster cast for [[underlined]] cork [[/underlined]] [[next line either partially erased or rubbed partially away with time]] Finished [[?]] later.
TUES. 22  Letter from Edith Oswald about furniture.  Replied to her to store it.  To Huntington.  Back & made 2 cushion covers.  Headache.  A finished "Cork" - Beautiful
[[hand drawn squiggly line under entry]]
WED. 23  Letters from Elizabeth, [[?]], Mary  Chub  At 8.A.M. to Puppy's Hole, clams  scallops, flounders.  "Shore dinner," & up to Lloyds Creek, back to H in eve.
[[circled]] S [[/circled]] THUR. 24  I got scallops.  I did  chores  tried to paint - no good  Sewed. 
FRI. 25  Sewed on coat all day.  A got supper.  Lindy in & we there in eve.
SAT. 26  A. to Huntington - mailed letter to Davidsons.  Cleaned boat -