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I to Huntington in morning, doing lots of odds & ends, got things for Charlie & L.H.  Felt rotten in P.M.  read ^[[part of]] "Lincoln" in P.R. by Carl Sandburg  We expected Charlie C. at 9 A.M. but he didn't show up.  Letter from Charlo Mals - 

A to Huntington before 8 o clock, got copper & made fire shovel - quite lovely.  I cleaned boat in morning & painted on "L & T" in P.M. turning[[?]] it without lights & it no good.  A came in & washed it - lower half - off with turpentine -
Letter from Chub.

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Receipt from Schneider.  A ordered horn keg bucket from Willis by telephone!  Then ordered lumber for closets & seats.  I cleaning boat, & fixing canvas for work.

Got some one else's bank book & returned it.

A built closet.  I restuffed pillow & cut out things.  Jimmie in with check for ring from Tony for 2.00.  Tony here in eve - 1 gal.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the pre-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art